Know Why Radiology is Instrumental in the Health Sector


Medical science and technology have experienced a paradigm shift in the past 50 years. Albeit the history of radiology dates back to 1895, it as enhanced a lot over the years. Needless to say, this discipline is rendering a huge impact to increase healthcare efficiency.

Any leading diagnostic center in Delhi offers this service to streamline the process of diagnosis. Are you intrigued to know more about this? To address the general enquiries, here come the FAQs and their answers. Read on:

Q1. What do you mean by radiology?

In the simplest possible way, radiology can be defined as a tool that uses medical imaging for the diagnosis of relevant diseases. Usually, a good lab treats radiology as a medical specialty to overcome the challenges prevalent in global healthcare. Moreover, with the aid of disruptive technology, radiology holds the power to make multiple healthcare decisions for the betterment of patient care.

Q2.  What are the major types of radiology available in pathology labs in Delhi?

Yes. Radiology is not restricted to one kind. The major types are:

  1. Ultrasound Test

This is a non-destructive imaging method used in medical science for detecting invisible flaws within the human body. Apart from diagnosis, it also had therapeutic applications.

  1. Colour Doppler

It’s another unique technique where doctors get to know the condition of the body. In this case too, the sound waves are converted into images.

  1. Digital X-ray

One of the most popular tools in bioengineering. Unlike the traditional form, there is no use of intermediate cassettes.

  1. 2D Echo

This is undeniably the mainstay of echo radiology. It is primarily implemented to detect cardiovascular disorders.

  1. TMT & ECG

Also known as the treadmill test, this helps record the condition of one’s heart while the person is performing the exercise on it. The catch point is that he or she will be connected to an ECG machine.

You can expect all these services in any professional and estimable diagnostic center in Delhi.

Q3. What are the advantages?

Shooting directly to the target, the advantages are as follows:

  • Curb the days of hospitalization with accurate results
  • Extremely important for the diagnosis of cancer, heart disease etc.
  • Determines when a person needs or surgery or medication
  • Not exorbitant in cost

Given that said, it is not an easy task to decide on a diagnostic center in Delhi amid the options. Take care of certain aspects before deciding on a lab. For you or your near ones deserve nothing but the best. Go through these quick tips for making a better informed decision.

  1. Experience

No fancy attributes a Delhi lab can beat the power of experience. The prominent ones that have been serving people seemed to be 20+ years old. So, before settling for a lab all at once, make sure to count on its years of experience.

  1. Infrastructure

Honestly speaking, experience and infrastructure go hand-in-hand. Check the infrastructure, types, and quality to get an overview of the lab.

  1. Types of Services

Lastly, consider the types of services a lab offers. It goes without saying any prominent lab in Delhi will provide a wide array of services apart from radiology. Some of the popular ones are hospital lab management, pathology, corporate health checkup, doctor consultation to name a few.

That’s all for the day. Take all these points into consideration for the best outcome. Wish you a sound health and better time ahead.